Margi Prideaux, Ph.D.

Margi Prideaux, Ph.D.

Senior Ocean Policy Expert Margi Prideaux has lived and breathed wildlife and international politics and law almost every day for more than 30 years. As an international negotiator and independent academic, with a Ph.D. in wildlife policy and law, her words have been tuned to inform policy audiences in over 20 different international conservation processes. She has published four books as well as dozens of online articles and academic papers. She is the formal Focal Point for the implementation of IUCN Resolution 113: Restoring a peaceful and quiet ocean (work that she shares with her husband, Geoff Prideaux), as well as a Member of the Joint IUCN SSC/WCPA Marine Mammal Taskforce, the IUCN WCPA Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group, and the Planet Politics Institute. Margi Prideaux has supported Ocean Custody's general policy work since 2015 and international aquatic wild meat work since 2018, and in that capacity serves as the Chair of the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) Scientific Council Aquatic Wild Meat Working Group.